Monday, September 27, 2010

the power of prayer.

It’s just an amazing feeling when you’re sitting & basking in His presence.. It’s a feeling that can’t easily be described using simple words but must be experienced.

My first Geology test was today and I was FREAKING out because I really didn’t prepare for it at all.. My fault for not preparing earlier, but honestly, I was distracted by everything else going on (life). I thought, “How can I pray for a test that I didn’t even prepare for and expect God to help me?”.. I was completely wrong. He took the one day I had left of studying and used every single minute to good use. Previously, I agreed to Him that I would spend 1 hour, nothing less, devoted to prayer especially for this test. I gave Him my 1 hour, and in return, He gave me a productive study session as well as doing pretty well on the test. Grades will probably be out next week, but whether it’s an A or not, I will be thankful.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Move me.

Wow, it's really been too long since I last posted a blog. I miss being able to share all my feelings out in writing and talking about my omnipotent God! I apologize for being so lazy and claiming I don't have enough time to post when I should have all the time in the world for my Creator.

Coming back from the Jesus Culture conference gave me a fresh feeling and passion for Jesus. This fire burned for a really long time and it was just amazing being able to love in God and basking in His love. At the moment I felt like this feeling could last forever and I would never grow tired or weary, but I was wrong.. It wasn't God who wasn't good enough for me, but it was me who's not good enough for such an awesome God. The duties and responsibilities I have every single day, whether it be for school, family, friends, boyfriend, or even church, fills up every moment of my day. Though these things shouldn't be a burden, it slowly becomes just that. I slowly grew lazy to want to go out with friends and school was my number one priority. Church kept me busy all 7 days a week which quickly drained my fire away for God. My sister once spoke the words, "Don't become a Martha." This simply means to not do so much for God to where it becomes a duty rather than doing it to glorify His kingdom. When I thought of preparing a prayer meeting or even attending all the morning prayers, I didn't feel a sense of joy. Instead, I felt empty.

I know that there's a reason why God lead me to accidentally click on my blog link. It's mainly because God is jealous for me and all of me. Yes, He enjoys seeing us glorifying His kingdom serving in various ways at church, but more than that, He longs to have a relationship with us.

Daddy, guide me home. I desire to seek You and for Your love to captivate my heart.


Monday, November 30, 2009

Light in the darkness..

Thanksgiving 2009 recap...

Ahhh I was extremely excited to have my almost one week break! Then.. I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled! I knew this would ruin my Thanksgiving meal -_- But what I wanted to do most was the Black Friday shopping! I really didn't have anything I wanted specifically but I just wanted the experience :) I knew that getting my wisdom teeth pulled was God's perfect timing because it was MUCH cheaper; $100 per tooth (thanks tony)! That's literally impossible! So.. I went to the dentist's office Tuesday right after work & I was so scared. If you know me well enough, I don't do well dealing with pain, at all! I'm the baby of the family that did not have to go through ANYTHING except bask in the ambiance of being spoiled =P About a few months before this, I got an estimate x-ray to see which ones I needed pulled and 2 dentists both told me that I needed all four of my wisdom teeth pulled.. So I was going into the office with anticipation of getting all of them pulled. Tony took me in for x-rays and he gave me wonderful news #2 that my top 2 wisdom teeth don't exist! I was in complete shock! Wow! Thanks God so much for completely taking my two top wisdom teeth away! That is only possible with God!!

Okay.. So yayyy, I got my left wisdom tooth pulled and Dr. Kathy said she would be too tired to do the other side. So I went home in pain.. Yes it is EXTREMELY painful -_- But I also thank God that I could still eat with my other side. God's will :) Although I could successfully go shopping for black friday, I ate some wonderful home made Thanksgiving food! :):) & I just got my other side pulled on Saturday, which went by much faster! I had an audience too! Angela, Jennifer, Ann, & Maxine! Thanks for the support ya'll! They did tell me that blood was flying everywhere though, hahaha!

Anyways, I'm sitting at home on a Monday because I wanted some rest but I thought I'd share this wonderful testimony with the world! & to also spend my 'resting day' with God, because He really has done so much for me through all the pain and misery.

Song of songs 4:9-10
"You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride; you have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace. How delightful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much more pleasing is your love than wine, and the fragrance of your perfume than any spice!"

Thank You, God <3

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A chance..

Today, I was given a chance.. A chance to be a better me.

Yes, that may sound cliche, but it's true!

As I arrived to work today, everything was going perfectly! I was so thankful for the many great things God has given to me! I shifted my car into park and started heading out of my car. Gently, I opened my car door.. Usually my car door stops itself at some midpoint before fully extending, and it did. But the strongest wind EVER came and pulled my car door fully back, and BAM it hit the car next to mine.. At first, I thought, "Why God.. my day was so perfect and then THIS had to happen...". Hesitating on what I should do, I finally decided to go to my office, write out a note of what happened, name and number included, and tape it to the car that I had accidentally hit. As the day progressed, I finally realized that I shouldn't have blamed God for what had happened, but thank Him. I needed this as a test to see if I really was practicing to live like Him, or just claiming to live like Him. In the end, Olga Longoria, who sounded like an older woman, called me and appreciated me for leaving a note. She also asked, not requested, if I could go to the Chrysler Dealership & buy her a little bottle of paint. She also made it clear that if I forgot, or if it wasn't convenient for me, that I do not have to get it. I think I can coincidentally have that dealership be 'on the way' for me... :)

Thank You, Jesus.

P.S. I'm on day 3 of the 90 day Bible reading plan! May this journey continue!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Psalm 46...

46:1 "God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble."

I find myself stumbling upon this bible verse a lot. Whenever I am going through any problem, I like to flip open my bible and read some highlighted key points I've made in the past years. And I always flip a few times, and see this bible verse highlighted in bright pink flashing at me.. Every time I read this verse, tears start forming in my eyes. 'How come you are always so comforting, Jesus? You know exactly what I need and when I need it.' His comfort is so warm...

Then the next time I see after verse 1...
46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."

AMEN God! You WILL be exalted & lifted high! You are WORTHY to be praised!

How many people can say that they are completely satisfied by something they can't even see? How many people can say that they have a father, best friend, and lover all in one?
And how many of those that said "I CAN" want more & more people to join us?

Spread His word because it is good. Because it changes. Because it saves.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

When we reject Him..

Do you know how hurt He feels when he tries to do something good for us, yet we reject Him? When He knows what is best for us, although we do not know what is best for ourselves.. When we think we know what is best for us. When we are so selfish. The hurt He feels is so tremendous that His heart literally breaks whenever we do not obey Him ,and even more when we act so viciously in return.

I felt this hurt that He feels for us today. When I tried to pick my recovering dog up to use the bathroom after work this afternoon, he reacted so viciously. He turned around and tried to bite me. His owner. The one who has been taking care of him. The one who has been doing everything so unselfishly for his good. At that moment, my heart literally felt broken because I care for King so much, but he tried to bite me like I was trying to hurt him. Maybe it was because I am the one who forces him to eat his medicine. But even this is for him to quickly recover. He probably doesn't understand why I do the so called "cruel" things to him.

Likewise, Jesus tries to 'give us our medicine'. Sometimes we do not understand why Jesus does the things He does and we act out so cruelly...

Thank You, Jesus for not giving up on us. Thank You for being so selfless and doing everything for our sake, and not for Yours. Please give us reminders every day about Your love for us. Amen.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

His love for us !

This past week has been so hectic for me.. The past weekend I experienced one of the most traumatic moments of my life. My parents, Jennifer, and I were on our way to Sam's when we received a phone call from Angela. She sounded extremely panicked telling us that she heard our chihuahua make a loud cry and as she went downstairs she saw that he was stuck under our fence. So we rushed home not knowing what to expect. As we arrived, we saw King stuck under the fence and his eyes were blood-shot red. Apparently he went through a hole in the fence and got through to our neighbor's backyard. Their dog had attacked King as he was trying to escape. We panicked and rushed him over to the nearest emergency hospital. They told us that we needed to drive up to an animal specialist, located in college station. As a result, we drove this distance to get the help he needed. Thankfully everything was okay. We went back to A&M on Friday to pick him up and now he is in the process of healing.

Today, our pastor at church was talking about God's love for us. He brought up the incident that happened to King as an example. Saying that when King got into this accident, we didn't think "maybe we should just get rid of King and start over with a new puppy". Like Jesus, when we make the wrong choices and 'cross the fence', He does not decide to give up on us. He is willing to pay what ever price it costs to get us back, like how we were willing to spend $3,200 on King. When we saw King stuck, our hearts literally broke for him; this is how Jesus feels when he sees us making the wrong choices.

His love for us is deeper than any love on this earth.